Thursday, October 6, 2022

No Genie Needed!

I don't need a Genie or Fairy Godmother to make my wishes come true.  I can become my own fairy godmother.  I can do this.

This week I did something I haven't done with my business so far and it felt wonderful.  In all of my work I haven't paid myself.  I've put every penny back into the business to help it grow.  I've considered that a blessing, but so many people have been encouraging me to pay myself first and then if I decide to invest, I can.  Well I paid myself and guess where it led.   My happy place - Disneyland.  I was able to pay my own way and join my son and his family as his wife and two kids experienced Disneyland for the first time.  And to my surprise I didn't feel any guilt.  It felt wonderful to reward myself for my hard work this past year.
Something else wonderful happened. Not once, but repeatedly over the two days I spend with Abner's family.  Every time I volunteered to stay with little Mister while Mom, Dad and big sister did rides we had little tender mercies with walk-around characters.  We met, Aladdin, Genie, Buzz Lightyear, Captain America and Jack Sparrow.  

The little girl inside of my was giddy as all get-out.  And you know what?  Sometimes the most meaningful, memorable experiences we can have, come in those unexpected moments of service.  I didn't want to be in my happy place to ride rides, and get autographs.  I wanted to be there so that I could allow my son's family to have those experiences.  And boy was I the one that felt blessed in that.
My hard work with this business allowed me to bless the lives of my son's family and I can think of no greater experience.
This weeks college learning wasn't just snuck in late at night after a long day of walking and a little bit on the plane ride home.  There wasn't a moment where I wasn't serving, working and learning.  Even walking around the magic kingdom, my son and I were gleaning ideas for our store design, marketing, learning from the Master Walt Disney himself.  Disneyland has taken the time to learn how to do it right.  And we were trying to learn even while enjoying the magic. 
Imagine fun seasonal banners like these (minus the bats) hanging in our store.

Something we've been learning about all semester is the importance of good mentors.  At Disneyland we had the best mentor, fairy-Godmother, Prince Erik's sister Gamma Mimi all wrapped in one.  She was the best pro, directing us into which lines were the fastest, the best food, the best walking paths to avoid crowds, how to use the Genie app to skip lines and order food without waiting, etc.  She not only told us, but showed us how to do it.  So the second day when she wasn't with us we were still able to use the skills she taught us and have a successful, fun adventure. I want great mentors for my business as well.  They can guide and direct me as I go and I can take the lesson learned to move forward on my own.

In the Launching Leaders book by Steven A. Hitz (which I highly recommend reading) it says. 

"Your journey through life should be filled with actually tasting and participating in the act of giving, not just hearing about it or watching others do it."

This week I participated, and served and learned and it's made all the difference. 


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