Three weeks of intense exercise does not make up for 3 months of non-intense exercise.
Think of how many other runners that I just made their day, especially if their goal was not to finish in last place. Sigh
Those 13 extra pounds I gained over the winter really did slow me down.
Running in constant Northwest Liquid Sunshine really did at poundage to my clothes. So I probably ran a good 3-7 lbs heavier. Not to mention the lake sloshing around in my shoes. The good thing about the rain is that it kept me cooled off. The bad thing is my hands and feet went a bit numb.
Three weeks of no sleep probably did affect my results. This week I’m sleeping a ton.
Just because I ran a half marathon in December doesn’t mean I can run any old race and have the same wonderful feeling of euphoric accomplishment.
I blessedly signed up with a huge group of the world’s best friends. They stuck around for me to finish and were all still cheering me on at the finish line. I was the only one silly enough to attempt the 10K while the rest were smashing in the 5k.
At least my mile average time in this year’s 10K was faster than my mile average time for the 5K last year; which means I’m stronger and faster than I was last year at twice the distance.
I now have a huge desire to only get better and demolish my time in this same race – Next YEAR.
At least I didn’t quit. I’m a finisher. I did pass someone who had to pull out and they weren’t too happy about it.
I got the blessed privilege of informing all the race volunteers, handing out water, directing traffic and taking pictures that they could now pack it up and get out of the weather and get warm because I was what they had been waiting for all day long.
And the number one thing that I learned – Is that I never want to finish in last place again.
Final time: 1 hour 15 min. ?sec. The first two straight-up hill miles were 13 min miles and the rest were closer to 11.5 min miles. I know it’s slow but I think I only walked about 30 steps on a steeper portion of the hill the rest was full out slow-mo jog. That and it’s my first effort of the season. Prince Erik did a bang-up job and finished in 54 minutes. Not bad for his first 10K attempt.
Next Race – Next Week – Flat Course – Thank Heavens.
Not all races can be great--but, as you said, your improvement over last year is impressive. Congratulations, Erik. P.S. I'm jealous of your weather!
I loved this post! I went back and read about your half-marathon. Very inspirational! You should consider a half in Utah and we could meet...
My dear, you are inspiring!
Thank you.
I am amazed to read that you, a mother of six children, have run a marathon! Wow! I couldn't even run to the corner, yet I feel like I am involved in a marathon every single day just keeping the family going.
I have been so pleased to find other mums with big families on the blogosphere. I have six myself. I don't feel like the odd one out anymore.
I think that you should be proud of yourself! I would not only finish last- I would die. Purely and simply.
Congrats on FINISHING the race! I probably wouldn't have made it through the entire thing!
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