Thursday, October 27, 2022

Information Overload

 This week in school we read a synopsis of Covey's book, 'The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People'.  We also gave a book report of George Leonard's book 'Mastery'.  My brain is spinning.  I love what I'm learning, but I have to say I'm learning it so quickly there is no time left to incorporate all the wonderful things I am learning.  Say you give an old dog 25 new treats.  He gobbles them up so quickly he doesn't know which one is his favorite.  How is he supposed to eat them all and enjoy them.   I know, horrible analogy.

So I spent literally 10 hours this week reading, taking meticulous notes, studying the notes, writing a 800 page book report.  I love this stuff, but I have to admit that I hate the tests.  They don't grade you on the important principles you should learn but twist certain aspects of wording in what we learned and hope you get the answers wrong.  The tests are full of trick questions and I've never gotten all the answers right even with my zeal for note taking.  

So I'm applying the dreaded test taking to my business.  I'm not going to get everything right.  No matter how long I spend trying to learn every nuance, accounting tool, display idea.  I can learn until I'm blue in the face, but I can't wait until I'm perfect in knowledge to take the step of just doing.  I've got to move forward and do.  I'd love to say I'm incorporating every wonderful idea I read about, but in truth I have the mental brain power to say incorporate maybe one good idea out of thirty.  

In the meantime. I'm compiling a nice little collection of books I want to re-read.

Add to that, even more notebooks full of wonderful ideas.

I want to revisit them when I have more time.  I hate the word someday.  I equate it with never. Some distant date, set in the far future when I'll then incorporate all I really want to.  I tell myself after college, but I'm sure I'll be so busy with my business then that I won't have time then either.

So this post is a bit of a downer.  I want more time to absorb and apply what I'm learning, but feel so overwhelmed with information overload I don't know where to begin.  But then that's life with all about the ups and downs right?  My one take away.  Just Do - move forward, and hope in the future that one more of these great ideas will pop into my head as I'm doing.    

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