Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The Hero's Journey & That Darn Dragon

 This week in school we learned about Mastery and The Hero's Journey.

Mastery, we were taught, resists definition.  It's recognized instantly in its many varieties.  Mastery is not a destination or the fulfillment of a goal, but it is defined by the process to which the journey to achieve that goal or destination is applied.

The Hero's journey is similar in that it is about the journey or process itself.  It is about becoming, learning how to learn, and how to live a life of meaning.  

Like all great stories of hero's on their journey there are challenges.  Road blocks or obstacles that can make the journey a little less sure, more fraught with stress.  This week I'm going through such a set-back.  One I have successfully avoided for over 2 1/2 years.  But this challenge hit me during my busiest vending season of the year and just a few weeks before my first ever store opens.  This dragon I'm fighting is Covid.  

I'm feeling really crummy, with little to no energy to do everything that needs to be done.  I can't work my leather, clean the house, take kids places, or even navigate the stairs without feeling like I just ran a marathon.  It is discouraging because there is so much to do with my store.  

So like all hero's I'm looking for that light at the end of the tunnel.  That light is the family that has stepped up to help bring me food, continue running the business without my help by adding a little bit more to their own plates.  It is also in turning my focus on what I cannot do to what I still can do.  I can still place orders for inventory, make networking connections through text and email.  And I can still do my online learning for school.  

One of my assignments this week was to set up an imaginary board of directors for my company.  How cool it would be to have Richard Taylor from Weta Workshop, and Walt Disney on my board.  But then I thought back to the people who have helped me become who I am today and I would have to include my amazing Prince Erik, my mom and Solange Vegara on my board.  I need to let those people know how grateful I am for their influence on my life.  

So even though I'm confined to a bed and room while this illness runs it's course, it's nice to have time to reflect on who has helped me become who I am today and who can help me become who I will be someday.  

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