Friday, October 21, 2022

Thrilled and Terrified at the Same Time

Don't call Extreme Hoarders on me.  This chaos has a purpose. 

This week I was able to be apart of an event that has me thrilled and terrified at the same time.  We signed papers on our first store.  We have been permanent vendors at Evermore Park for over a year and a half and now we are settling into a permanent home at Provo Towne Center Mall.  Well, we get the keys on the 31st.  Meanwhile our store fixtures and inventory is in my front room, family room and all of Andrew's garage.  

This week in school we learned about more about Mastery or becoming who it is we were meant to be.
Some of the keys to acquiring Mastery are...
1. Instruction - finding your Mr. Myogi (like the Karate Kid's mentor/teacher)  Networking to find someone who can help guide me on my path.
2. Practice - is the endless path of learning on my journey to becoming who I am meant to be.  It requires dedication and the desire to always go above and beyond what's required in learning.
3. Surrender - Being humble enough to recognize you can always learn more.
4. Intentionality - bringing in the mental imagery game.  Creating the vision of what you want and having that vision fuel your desire to get there.  
5. The Edge - Always test the edge of the envelope.  Can you always learn more, be creative, live intentionally.

These keys are never-ending and replay again and again.  

Since I was little I've had a very active, creative imagination.  Now I'm actually getting close to putting that creative and imagination into a store that can help others 'Create their own Fantasy' and 'Live the Adventure'.  Those two phrases are in our mission statement.  My addition is helping people create their own fantasy character through leather costuming.  My boys help with the 'Live the Adventure' in their immersive RPG experiences and accessories.    

I loved revisiting this quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

The heights by great men reached and kept
were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
were toiling upward in the night.

This dream is years of learning, practice, imagining and creating.  It was also lots of toiling.  Last week I learned that I need to make my health a priority again.  This week I'm taking definitive steps in my entrepreneurial journey.  Wish me luck.


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