My husband was dancing with joy because my friend came and mopped floors for me yesterday. However, the euphoria of clean floors didn’t last long, because pretty soon we had two sick kids getting them dirty again. Why is it that I seem to be the only one in our entire family who knows how to properly bow down before the porcelain throne? This is T-Rev’s third day of the flu. Usually we just get the one day stomach virus, and are back again the next day. This is the first time we have ever caught something that lasts this long. Today Princess joined him in the If-it-goes-down then it-must-come-up Club. I don’t really want to go into detail but I have cleaned up you know what, you know where, and then some. If this continues to spread throughout the rest of the family I think it will be a long couple of weeks.
On a cheerier subject, I thought since I was in the Before/After habit I would update you on my personal war with the Clutter Monster. We have almost won the battle in the School Room. I even braved teaching my girls in there to yesterday with great results. It kind of gave me an emotional boost as well. I think we were all tired of school being shuffled from room to car, back to room again. In our library/school room, I must have carted out 3-4 bags of trash, at least 3 bags of recycling, a couple large boxes of books to donate to the thrift store, a small bookshelf, and about 12 now-empty baskets. I’ll have to see if I can use them in organizing some of my other rooms. If not they will go to the thrift store as well. The battle did have its casualties. Princess was helping me shred a huge pile of papers, and thought she would be efficient by trying to shred them all at once. Needless to say, our faithful, but old, General Shredder’s motor couldn’t take all the stress and his little ticker gave up the ghost. Princess was devastated, because she was only trying to help. I need to get another one soon, because I have a garbage pail full of shredables. And the first person I’ll have help me shred is Princess. So, not to make this blog too wordy tonight, I’ll just throw in some pictures.
Caution!!! If messy rooms make you want to join my kids sick club then you might want to log off now. Remember these....

The school room was in drastic need of a Fawndear purge.

Ohhhhhhh, Awwwwwww...

Wow, well it's o.k.

So, I know your thinking, 'What's with the bike and the pink basket and the white droid?' The bike is temporary, until the wheather dries up and my husband can take it off the trainer and put it on the real road. As for the pink basket, it is strategically placed at Hope level, with coloring books and toys so she has something to do when I'm schooling with her older sisters. And the white droid thingie is an air-conditioning unit that I use in the summer. There is just no room in the garage for it right now...
Hey here is something that wasn't on my list, but I did it anyway.

I'll have to work on the brown color scheme, but I think it turned out swell, don't you?

So for my next project. O.K. here is the last little bit of the Library that I haven't finished, mainly because it mostly belongs to Prince Erik. He promised to sit down with me this weekend to work on it.

And, my old laundry room. It is now a shove-all room inbetween the hall and the new laundry room. See how you have to step over stuff just to go between. Pathetic, isn't it.

I want this little Harry Potter room to actually be a nice mud-room where my kiddo's can put their coats and backpacks and all those infernal shoes from the front porch that have taken up temporary residence in the hallway.

Until, my next accountablity post, wish me luck in the infirmary that is now my home. Oh, and I've got a really fawn-inspired idea on my artwork for my title page above. It will take me a bit to get it done. Just wanted you to know that I still do get some ideas every now and then. So keep checking back. Thanks for viewing my posts and the blessed mess I call home.
Holy Cow!!! Those after pictures look downright miraculous! You're doing a great job!
I'm sorry your house is in the gravity-defying food club. I hope you all pull through it soon. My mom was telling me this week that she'd read a study that said that a major way to keep germs out of your house is to be diligent about taking your shoes off first thing when you come inside, and then to wash your hands first thing after that. So maybe the mudroom will help!
Great job with the school-room. You're making me feel like an underachiever - I'm having a bit of a hard time just with the mental task of facing my home-office project. (the fact that it's the coldest room in a pretty chilly apartment has popped into my head as a perfect excuse to procrastinate the day of its overhaul on a number of occasions). Keep being your lovely inspiring self!
Your progress is inspiring me to get going on my organizing. Way to go! I can hardly wait to see more transformations!
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