She’s probably going to ask for a day off.
When you give her the day off.
The Kids are Guaranteed to run amok.
And Kids amok means more clutter.
When mom see’s the house is cluttered.
She’ll really want to avoid it.
Then Dad will tell her the appraiser, because you’re refinancing,
is coming in three days.
She’ll decide she’s not that sick.
So she loads the truck with trash,And when she starts the engine there will be a
funny smell.
Because a rodent (maybe chasing food crumbs left by six kids)
crawled in the vent somewhere and died.
Being as she is already sick, she will send husband to the dump instead.
Then she will decide to take the family tank to the Dr.
And when she starts the vent on the family tank.
It smells kind of engine-smell funny and won’t defrost.
So she drives blindly to the Dr.'s anyway.
And he tells her that she has
walking pneumonia.
So she goes home and get’s hormonal crazy (monthly thing) on her husband because...
Two cars, the entire house, and his head need fixin,
and Because mom is really sick,
And chances are if mom is sick,
She is going to want a day off!!!
P.S. What do you suppose the chances are that it will then snow, and the non-homeschooled kids won't go to school? And suppose they will stay home two whole days, and make an even bigger mess around the house, after having loads of fun in the snow. Chances are... 100%.

What? Even Hope is out to get me.
Hey girl, so sorry about the walking pneumonia. Here's my suggestion: how about making the holiday-taking kids get rid of all the clutter for you. They're big boys. I'm sure they can handle it. And then you can have them do some laundry and bring you your meals on a tray with a little flower in a bud-vase...oh wait...I must have been taking a momentary break from reality. I'm back now. Feel better soon.
You poor thing! I hope you get better very soon! And that the snow melts so the kids can go back to school. ;-)
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