I know, I know your eyes are bugging out with the list of gaming systems I mentioned above. Blame it on my oldest child (husband). No I guess you can blame it on me because I let him talk me into them. See you can stomp a mean DDR on X-box, Rock Band and Guitar Hero I, II and III on the 360, Kingdom Hearts on Play station, and well the most perfect gaming system invented, the Wii, makes you actually use something besides those chubby little fingers. Sure your fingers and maybe a couple of limbs get a good workout but do you notice the lack of tone in the facial expressions. It get's worse with age.

And the posture, Oh the Horror!
I can always dream that maybe I’ll talk them into getting rid of all systems except the Wii, but I won’t bring that up until the end of the month. On the last day of last year's month, my O.D.D. child even mentioned that we probably shouldn't even turn the T.V. back on, because he liked how things were with it off. I about had to pick my jaw up off the floor after that one.
I am slowly making headway against the brain sucking devices, last year I talked them into getting rid of our Dish network, that was my sacrifice. I really miss my HGTV! Now the only shows we watch are DVD’s, or some favorite series we bought off I tunes. I love the fact that there are no commercials.
The only exceptions to the rules are that we can use computers for email, to do homework, and sorry T-Rev there is no homework merit to be found at Homestarrunner.
I also got permission from my husband to continue my Blog. I called it therapy and seeing as how I need all the help I can get – he agreed. I can’t however surf, and believe me that will be hard. What else am I going to do with my time? Oh, yeah, I could actually take care of the kids and keep de-cluttering the house. So don’t worry about me.
I predict that the phrase, ‘I’m bored, there’s nothing to do,’ will be said too many times to actually count within the first couple of hours. But if it’s anything like in years past, slowly but surely, I know they will figure something out.
Wish us luck, I’m really going to need it.
This actually led to a huge confrontation between HRH and I one year... I thought I'd blogged about it, but I can't find the entry. Maybe I'll go write it up now...
What a great idea! We unplug for summer;)
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. (Wait! If you can't surf, does that mean you can't comment on my blog? That is SO not fair!!)
Those zombie pictures totally had me laughing! Good luck this month. I have to say, I couldn't do it! I need my internet. Plus, I am way too dependent on the TV as a baby-sitter during my shower...
You go, girl. We are a no-TV, no video games family (we will watch the occasional movie, or put on Looney Tunes for the kids for 20 minutes so we can go out on a date), and it is so peaceful, and the kids read a lot! It is much, much better for their creativity (yes, I know, I saw the markers on the bedsheets - sorry) and their developing brains.
And we have 6, too.
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