Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Get off the Computer!

Step Away from the Computer.

You shouldn't be on it. Maybe you could step outside and enjoy one of these here Beauties!
Or stay inside and snuggle with your kiddo's.

Please don't tell me your as addicted to blogging as I am.

Geezzzz! It's Thanksgiving already. You know the time to be thankful for family and friends.
What are you still doing checking out my post. I could go on and on about the multitude of stuff I'm Thankful for but instead I'm actually going to spend that time with my family. O.K.

P.S. You should do the same.

Oh, and before you go. I just want to take the time to Thank you for being my blog friends, commenter's and lurkers. I really appreciate you stopping in every now and then to say Hi.
Hope you all have a wonderful Holiday and don't stuff yourself too much. See you in a couple of days.


Deare Diary said...

Hi FawnDear,
I found your blogsite and thought your name was interesting. I picked my blogger name because of my last name and thought that perhaps we were from the same family HA. Cool site.

Treasure Ann said...

Hi Fawn Dear, so right you are. I had a wonderful time with my family. Seem like it was the best Thanksgiving I ever had. All relative have gone back and we will meet again for the Christmas Holidays. I didn't buy much stuff today, but it was nice getting out with my relatives before they were off. Have a good one, it's good to be back. Later on I'm going to post about my day and Thanksgiving celebration.

Jen said...

Hope you had a gReAt Thanksgiving! It was fun and I'm literally stuffed! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.