Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Back to Reality – Darn it!

Many, many Thank You’s to all who participated and commented on our Mad Tea Party and Fairy Day Festivities!  I didn’t want the fun to end.  As a Thank you, I’ve posted a super easy and inexpensive tutorial of our Children’s Maypole.  See the How-To’s HERE.

Spring 1614

So we’ve taken off our wings and wiped the whipped topping off our faces.  And all of the sudden summer is upon us.

Spring 1777

This year the fairies didn’t leave us a fairy ring in the lawn (like last year), but they did leave a couple of trinkets in our fairy village.


A darling little measuring set.  Perfect for fairy sized concoctions.  Now, I’ve just got to find the perfect Fairy recipes that call for Smidgen’s, Dash’s and Pinches.  Why do I, I mean the fairies bring presents that beg explanation?

They also left a darling pair of nesting birds.  Just waiting for us to build them a fairy nest.

Spring 2050

Then my daughters (namely Princess) noticed something familiar about the birds and the spoons.  Hum, are hearts the fairies trademark symbol?  My girls are curious now.  As am I, had no idea the fairies had a trademark, when I bought them at two different stores.  Swell, now I’ve got to be even more careful when spreading magic in the future.


Unfortunately the Monday following Fairy Day, someone found a can of black spray paint that one of my mindless teenage son’s had inadvertently left out and tagged the Fairies Tree & Village.

Spring 2040

No Way!  They didn’t.

Spring 2039

The Horror!

Left some homes looking like the aftermath of a raging fire.

Spring 2038

Didn’t even spare the poor little wee furniture.

Spring 2041

The Troll.

Uh, I wonder who did it?

Spring 2042

Could it be?

It seems the culprit even tagged themself.

HOPE!!!!!!  Say it ain’t so?

What possessed her to go from Fairy Friend

Spring 1732

to Fairy Fiend overnight?

Spring 2043 

I think she must have drunk some Troll juice.

Regardless we immediately dismantled the Fairy Village and are furiously giving them an Extreme Wee Home Makeover.  Hopefully we can finish before the Fairy Kingdom swears off us completely.

Now where did I leave that Pixie Dust?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Beware the March Hare!

Spring 1800

Especially if your late for Tea…

Many thanks to Sweet Vanessa of ‘A Fanciful Twist’,for cooking up this Mad Party!

mad party

Be sure to visit the other Mad Festivities happening right now at her Magical Wonderland. Click HERE to visit them all.

Now back to our Mad Tale in Wonder (What-were-they-Thinking)Land. The March Hare loves a good Tea Party but he’s very particular about promptness. So with the help of Mollymkun the Dormouse they planned a perfectly mad party.

Even brought in the Maypole, which the Mad Hatter hat-ed himself.

Spring 1523

With plenty of Lime-Aid Pishalver (shrinking potion), and Frosted Brownies Upelkuchen (growing cake) on hand for emergency use only.

Spring 1585

And Mollymkun even happened to snatch one of the Red Queen’s cakes (Cherry Chip/Red Velvet) for the festivity. Better hope she doesn’t find out or the Dormouse will lose her head.

And before you know it the crazy guests Gallymoggers arrived.

Spring 1542

Even Alice,

And the Queens Croquet Stick.

Some knew of the March Hare’s dislike for latecomers, others did not. Mallymkun could see the March Hare’s temper rising and she tried to calm him down.

Spring 1801

Maybe she should share some of her favorite beverage with him.

Spring 1796

But he wouldn’t be distracted and soon he came up with a madly, wicked idea. “Who’s to Say What is Proper?”

Spring 1813

‘You’re All Late for Tea!’

Poor Dormouse.

Spring 1857

And just like Our Mad, Mad, Mad Party Last Year, the Madness spread around the whole table. And within seconds the food was gone.

Some didn’t know what hit them.

Spring 1556

Others were prepared.

I mean if someone had to throw something at you at least it was food.

Thankfully no one lost their heads, maybe because the Red Queen wasn’t invited, but still, that’s saying something. No one really wants to lose their head.

Spring 1557

And after the food quit flying, the crazies entertained each other with a nice Futterwacken around the maypole.

Spring 1565

Many, many thanks to all who participated in our Mad Tea Food Fight Party. For it is a true friend who can still love you after you subject him to such lunacy.

Have I gone Mad? Why yes, but I’ll let you in on a little secret. All the best people are.

Spring 1833

And with that Lea Alice bid’s you farewell – until next time. Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

When Imagination Touches Reality.

It was one of those days where imagination touches reality and something magical takes place. Today was Fairy Day.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create.

He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. ~Albert Einstein


We embraced Fairy Day with all the imagination we could muster and invited our friends to do the same.

Of course we dressed in our finest fairy attire.Spring 1763

And added a sprinkle of glitter pixie dust for good measure.

Spring 1719

Then we tried to lure the fairies with Yummy treats…

Spring 1693

and goodies to sweeten the celebration.

Spring 1691

What with some yummy Fairy Berry Punch we knew they would come.

Spring 1694

And they did. It worked.

Spring 1695

Soon the garden was full of wee ones playing…

Spring 1716

And exploring and dreaming…

Spring 1731

And crafting fairy treasures to take home.

Spring 1744

But the best part was spending time with our fairy loving friends.

Spring 1771

Even the Fairy Queen SassyPants made a grand appearance. And the little ones fell all over her in admiration. Calling her ‘Royal Highness’ and begging to bring her goodies and favors.

Spring 1761

Hope couldn’t resist flying. Her Happy Thoughts were in such abundance.

Spring 1736

And even the Fairy Queen graced her with a special Fairy Dance.

Spring 1768

And before we knew it the celebration was drawing to a close. And one by one and two by two our guests wished us well.

Spring 1758

Then our wonderful friends bid us farewell and left with twinkles in their eyes.

Spring 1727

And after they left and the sun settled below the horizon, the garden came alive with even more enchantment. The celebration had been cleaned up and goodies put away. But magic hung so thick in the air that I had to set alone, in the peace and quite and soak it in.

Spring 1791

And dream of next year’s Fairy Day Celebration.

Spring 1787

And wonder if it was just my imagination or were the houses in the fairy village glowing brighter after such a magical evening.

And that did it. I will always celebrate Fairy Day, even when my kids are grown and moved away. I never want to lose my youthful heart.

Hope you all had a Magical Day.