5:45 a.m. Wake up late. Usually I’m up at 5:20 a.m. but I forgot that I reset the clock yesterday so that my husband could sleep in. Drat, no time to start a load of laundry. Change into exercise clothes, and take my son Abner to Seminary which starts at 6:00 a.m.
6:00 – Run 5 miles – o.k. more like jog slowly. But did great this morning and finished in under an hour instead of the hour 16 minutes that it took me to run the same distance 3 days ago. Yahoo, now to hurry home.
7:03 – hurry up and get kids up and downstairs for Family Scripture Study – Succeeded in getting 3 of the 5 left at home to join us in the front room. One child listened from the top of the stairs and another wouldn’t budge (not a morning girl).
Between 7:25 and 8:10 – Send second son off to school. Shower, get 3 of the kids thought the bath themselves, and make sure they get dressed. It takes 15 min to actually get my O.D.D child out of the bath after I first asked him to get out. He then took the entire rest of the time to get dressed, leaving no time for breakfast, or for making his school lunch. So mom does it again like she does 4 out of 5 mornings. This morning however I’m a bit more rushed so his breakfast only consisted of toast covered with peanut butter. The girls only fared a tiny bit better, toast and bananas, with milk. Not mixed together but separate.
8:10-8:30 – Drop Evo-man off at school and take my girls to my dear friend’s home. Of course none of my munchkins have socks on with their shoes or their hair combed but I don’t mind because my dear friend doesn’t mind. She likes me in spite of my being unprepared 9 times out of 10.
8:45 – See my Physical therapist and get the green light to run the half-marathon in CA – Disneyland here I come!!! While in the car without the girls I blast my Josh Grobin Christmas CD and sing along.
9:00 – 9:20 Yes it takes me twenty minutes to get my kids out of my friends home. And not because we are talking, but because I have to chase my girls. I’m one of those parents that drop my kids off and they are fine but they throw a fit when I come to pick them up. Fortunately, Hope was the only one to actually have a tantrum.
Run home and start a batch of laundry and have Princess use the potty so we don’t have to stop at some store for an emergency run.
9:30 Drop off two ebay packages to mail. My husband is netting enough to pay for my trip to Disneyland through his little venture so I can’t complain too much when he wants me to drop off packages for him. Yesterday I had to drop off 4 so 2 isn’t bad today.
9:45-2:00 Christmas shop at 6 stores that we’ve saved gift certificates for. Can now check off 14 more people off my list. Take two potty breaks for Princess… Sucumb to buying Happy Meals for the girls, because shopping takes longer than I thought it would. At least I got them Apple dippers and milk instead of fries and pop. I also had them do some school work while in the car. Princess did math by fingers great and letter spotting, while Lea brought a clipboard so she could work on her math homework without doing it verbally. In addition to presents I also bought the soundtrack for the new Disney movie ‘Enchanted’. The girls and I had fun singing the songs on the way home, or maybe I should say, trying to sing. We also bought our Disneyland 3 day pass.
2:00 – Switch laundry, unload the car, and start the dishwasher. And none too soon, I don’t think the dishwasher has cleaned anything in the last 4-6 meals. Listened to Lea read and I helped read three books with Princess as well. Then I greeted my oldest child as he came home from school.

I guess Hope didn't get enough quality nap time in the car with all the running around so she chose to fall asleep on a kitchen chair. Don't worry I moved her.
3:00 Pick up Evo-man and take him to his children’s exercise group. My husband has agreed to pick him up after the program so I don’t have to hang around in town. Yeah because there is still so much to do at home. It still takes over an hour of drive time.
4:00 Pull into the driveway only to remember that Evo-man had forgotten his homework at school so I pull out of the driveway and went to his school to pick it up for him. The next few hours is a blur. But between 4 and
9:00 pm . I take the garbage out twice, recycling ditto. I made a healthy dinner of whole wheat Penne Pasta in a healthy tomato sauce with Lean Italian Turkey Meatballs, and steamed cauliflower. I was feeling guilty for the lack of mommy time, and not so healthy other meals that I had subjected my kids to. Can't please them all. T-rev didn't quite like it as well as the others. He has an aversion to anything tomato sauce. But then again, most of my kids have food aversions that are all different. You can't win them all. I also washed 3 more loads of laundry, plus folded and put away the two loads I had completed earlier in the day. I also added another load to the dishwasher. Helped my girls do more school work.

Found and saved Princess’s stuffed Monkey that she was convinced had been lost for good. She was almost right, it was lost for 3 weeks out on the side porch that we never go on. The Monkey named Chilly was soaked and her sound was barely there but I explained to Esther that we needed to give her a nice warm bubble spin bath to make her feel better, so into the washer I tossed Chilly. I also started pulling together worksheets and lesson ideas for the girls to work on next week while we are traveling. Pulled Hope off the table at least 6 times (she’s a climber like her cousin), cleaned up untold new messes(spilled juice, domino's, math tiles, uno cards, etc.) courtesy of Hope and Princess. My dear husband also secured the girls and I some tickets for breakfast with the Princesses at Disneyland. It will be the first thing that happens to them there and I’m expecting huge eyes and gapping mouths. Better make sure my camera is fully charged.

Lea really wants to look good for her pictures so she put a bandaid on her nose so she won't pick a little sore that's been bugging her. I'm sure she will look awesome.
Finally at 9:00 we start the bedtime process (a half hour later than normal), tonight wasn’t so bad. Most of the kids were in bed for good by 9:40. I know kids finally being in bed 40 minutes after they were first sent to bed isn’t that great. However the O.D.D child couldn’t sleep and continued to remind my husband and myself that he couldn’t sleep nearly every 15 minutes until 10:30.
… And that’s were I’m at now – checking email and blogging and when I’m done with that I’ll read my scriptures and hopefully turn out the lights before 12:00. And all so I can get up and do it all over again. Maybe I’ll actually get some cleaning done tomorrow…maybe?
WOW! You just made my schedule look like a cake walk. ;-) We can't wait to see you guys next week. I bet you'll have a blast in So. Cal. Don't mention the princesses to Kaitlyn or she's going to be REALLY jealous!!!
Yeah - you got the green light. Good luck on the 1/2 marathon! Oh, and try to get some rest sometime.
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