I came downstairs to find Hope fixing herself a bowl of cereal. At least I know that if something ever happened to me, she would definitely be able to fend for herself. No she didn’t get her own bowl, she used Abner’s dirty one that he forgot to clear from the table. But hey, with or without a bowl she could take care of herself.

Somewhere A chorus of angels are singing ‘Alleluia!’ even if it is only in my head. Evo-man spiffy’d himself up without one little peep or nag from me. He even did it in record time and was ready to walk out the door for school a full 10 minutes early. This is the kid that goes to church with his Sunday shirt un-tucked, sagging belt-less pants, and white socks, and is ready for school after about 100 nags and 20 minutes late. Not today. It's been awhile since I've taken pictures. No he doesn't have a vase growing out of his head - it's just mom's poor set-up skills.
So what’s behind this marvelous transformation. - - - Bella - - - Music to my ears. Bella is a girl at Everett’s school who agreed to be his friend. He went to school on Monday with a crush on Nancy, but his best friend asked her to be his special friend so Everett happily approached sweet Bella and decided that he liked her better all along. Of course, Bella gave him a hug when he asked her and has been telling him all week how excited she was to see him all decked out in what he calls his tux. Their school went to see the Nutcracker Ballet today for a field trip and he even got to sit by his Bella. Maybe we should invite her to go to church with us???
My compliments to Sir Evo. The kid cleans up nice.
Spectacular!!!! What a hunk. Evo-man, you do clean up nicely. Way to go. If you do that every day, you better watch out for the girls.
Whew Whew (Imagine that is me whistling, except that I can't whistle:( )
If that is what a friend of the opposite sex will do for a person maybe I should get myself a guy friend:)
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