Monday, September 29, 2008

Eleven Weeks till the Magic!

It seems I’m all about countdowns lately. Countdown to Christmas, to the perfectly organized home, to the most gorgeously fit body any mom of six could hope for, and for more dreams to come true.

Yesterday I ran my first full 5K since tweaking my hip last August and…


No Pain…

Not even a little tightness of muscle… I was feeling so good in fact I was able to do it in 32:25 (which puts me right back to where I was before the injury.)


Since I feel blessed…

’m signing up for my December Half-Marathon again…

And if I’m super good and can keep the needs only lifestyle up…

I should be able to take the whole family (It would be our family’s first as an ENTIRE group and probably last as an Entire group trip to Disneyland).

This year Disney’s theme is the Year of a Million Dreams and ours will be one of them.

Maybe Abner can cross swords with his Hero on Tom Sawyer Island…

And T-Rev and Evo-Man can pretend they are a few years younger so they can participate in the Jedi Academy.

And Lea, Princess and Hope can meet their Princesses.

And for me that would be worth the price paid to set in a car with the crazies for a few days.

So here is my training schedule if anyone wants to play along with my crazy dream. Yesterday was day one of week one. Today Hope and I are going to take a turn with the jogging stroller.

Sorry the charts a bit fuzzy. If anyone wants a copy I can email it to them.

Lovin' the Dreams!


Anonymous said...

What is a 2 m run? 2 mile? Thanks for the chart. I like it. Just not very smart with the whole running stuff, but would like to be. Good luck at getting to the Rose Bowl.

fawndear said...

m = Mile
Strength = strength training usually involving weights.
Stretching = could be just regular stretching (my sundays) or taking a good yoga class.
cross = Cross training or something using another set of muscles, swimming, biking, climbing, tennis, etc.

Susanne said...

You have inspired me so much in the past year (actually even longer) that I've signed up to do my first 5K with a friend in November. So I've been running everyday and I am SO excited about it. It's amazing how much a race hanging over your head can motivate you to exercise. :-)

debi9kids said...

WOOHOOO! How exciting!