So February is over and you know what? Believe it or not I’m a wee bit glad I can plug my kids into electronics occasionally. Our non-electronic-entertainment month was as always, an eye opener. Every year we do it we learn something new. This year, yes the kids benefited from many things like ah, more frequent human interaction (both harmonious and non-harmonious), more physical exercise time (wrestling with siblings, running, playing tag), Etc. But the biggest breakthrough this last month was creativity.
I’ve concluded one thing about creativity. It equates with clutter.
People have told me that I’m very creative. However my creativity is also a clutter problem for me. And guess what my kids have inherited this creative gene from me.

Abner explained that they were making a movie with little miniature pieces, and they only had a few measly days to complete it because they wanted to enter it in a contest. Wow, I was impressed that they were doing this on their own and I didn’t have to make lists of different things that they could do to keep themselves from being bored. Since it was a school break I allowed for mess. They locked themselves off from the rest of the family for probably a good three days and then they were done. I never saw the finished project until they posted it on U-tube. Abner was having trouble with his email so he used someone else’s address but they got it on within minutes of the deadline. I didn’t think too much of it until last night. My husband and I were upstairs and all of the sudden the house started vibrating and there were some strange noises coming from downstairs. I guess they were strange to me because Abner isn’t too vocal with his excitement normally. This time was the exception.
Yeah, we are proud parents. T-rev and Abner made a mini-movie and out of over 30 entries they won. Wa-hoo. Unfortunately winning means a prize. $500 dollars worth of mini-plastic figurines and accessories. Oh, thrill more clutter. I can always hope they might want to turn around and sell the stuff on E-bay, if not then we will have to negotiate the clutter rule of more-out-than-in and see what they are willing to get rid of before they acquire their award haul.
Congrats on getting through February with no electronics. I don't know about you, but for me the month flew by! ;-) And congrats to the boys on winning that contest. So cool! I love the idea of selling the prize winnings on eBay (then they could use their money for something they really want... hopefully a non-clutter item). I seriously LOVE eBay!!! I have made so much money on there selling stuff I would have otherwise thrown away. It's great!
AMAZING video. CREATIVITY, no question. I'm glad you have passed on your creative genes to your children. You are the most creative person I know. Congrats. Tell the boys that Aunt Sassy thinks they are amazing.
Wonderful! I have forwarded the link to all my Warhammer gaming nephews.
Congrats to Abner and T-rev!
I have bead storage cases that we store the figures in, and it works out great for keeping that particular type of clutter under control. I don't know how many bead cases you would need to store $500 worth though... ;)
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