Want to help me overcome one of my addictions. PLEASE! Then enter for your chance to win $70 worth of Free Build-A-Bear Stuff. I have a $60 Gift Certificate and a $10 off coupon that I'm willing to give away in order to keep me honest. I really have no more room in my girls room for more clothes or pets, and I'd be too tempted to use them if I even venture within 10 miles of the B.A.B. store. So if you're Trenadoll, who is disgusted by the cost - Think of taking your Twiggy, Girly-Girl and Little Man there just for the experiance and it's all free. They would worship you for life. Or if your Arrow's Wife on a tight college budget this would be a great way for fun kids birthday presents. And DaringMom, aren't you all about overcoming consumer motivation - can I tempt you with a store I don't think Magoo will slobber on everything. Am I mean or what - trying to give away my addiction by tempting others with the experiance?
Anyway, leave a comment on this post and on Saturday March 8th I'll let one of my munchkins pick a random winner, out of this finely decorated B.A.B house.

See how creative my kids got with their time last month. It will be this house's last hurrah, before being sent to the recycling retirement home for B.A.B. Houses. Please, please help me so I don't tempt myself again. Your odd's of winning are pretty good since I'm not an ubber famous blogger with a gazillion hits a day - Yet.
Great job! I knew you could do it!
I'm not really entering to win, but I am reminding you that February is over and you're FREE to comment up a storm on my blog! Comment, my friend. Comment early, comment often!!
Oh, I bet Kaitlyn would love a trip to B.A.B. I've purposely never brought her near that store since I've heard it's super expensive, but she is crazy about stuffed animals. She would go nuts in there!
The Boo would love to go! She has been once, for her birthday a couple of years ago, and she would love a trip to purchase a few new things for her B.A.B. dog.
We would be happy to shop for the worthy cause of helping you overcome your addiction... ;)
We might as well put our name in the hat. Alina loves stuffed animals and is too young to get addicted to B.A.B. so I think we'd be okay. Plus there aren't any B.A.B. around here to tempt us :) So we'd have to go when we're in Sacramento.
O.K. I know on your last post about BAB addictions I said I would never go near one if addictions are what happens, even though my kids would probably love it. I'm keeping my promise and only entering because some dear neighbor friends of our just found out that their daughter has an inoperable brain tumor. She recieved a BAB at Primary Children's hopsital on Monday while we were there, but my ticket would go for her little sister that I am sure this will be really hard on. They are the best family in the world and have the strongest faith. They are always serving others and I just feel in their time of struggle it would be a worthwhile cause. So, go ahead and put me in the nicely decorated box. Under any other circumstances I would not be entering. I hope giving this away will truly keep you away from the store. I would not like to hear that you gave them away and then returned and had to spend money. So, Good luck. Love you Fawndear. Sassy
If my name happens to be the one the kids pull out of the B.A.B. house, please give the gift certificates to Sassy's friends' daughter with all the best wishes we can send her way. Giving the little sister something really special at this time in her life is way more important than Boo's B.A.B. dog getting any new accessories!
Natalie loves B.A.B and begs me to take her all the time. But I am a mean mom and never do. Honestly, it is just too overpriced and I hate the clutter. However, I would like my name entered in the contest, and if I am chosen I want to have it passed on to "Sassy" so she can pass it on to her friends.
Aang and Toph wanted to spend their well earned birthday $$ to get their Mommy Katara an animal so she wouldn't be lonely. They are too sweet. Their own BAB friends are always in need of clothes and their BAB birthdays are coming up. BABs in our house have school, primary classes and even cultural events. They have even had their own Sacrament meetings. Aang is more imaginative than Toph and together they help them dream and believe good will happen. We would love to rid you of your burdensome certificates. My kids know how to stretch a dollar. We love your blogs and miss you greatly! Put Aang and Toph's names in. Best of luck!!!!
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