Don’t forget about my two give-aways. I’ll pick the winner tomorrow for both so don’t forget to sign up if you’d like a chance to win either contest. Click on the pic’s to see the contest details.


Deviled Eyeballs...

Pumpkin Shaped Bean Dip...
Ghoulish Biscuit Pizza Faces...

and Mummy Dogs.
Activities included decorating mini pumpkins with colored sharpies, taking soup cans that I’d previously filled with water and frozen, and using hammer and nails we punched little spooky decorations into them. Then I sprayed them with a quick-dry spray paint...

added beads and a glow stick and Ta-Da!

O.K. aside from the blurry picture...The Kid’s made their very own little Halloween lanterns.

We also had a Mummy Fashion Show contest.

I secretly saved the toilet tissue - now I’ve just got to convince my kids to use it. You know the whole frugal thing.
We also had another go at the Family (Nice Picture). Too bad the Fire Department drove by in their boat.
The water was a beautiful glass before and it never quite recovered its earlier autumn mirror look. This one’s o.k.
and it may have to do but I was disappointed because the leaves are more in focus than our faces, but then I was thinking, 'Out of focus faces ain't a bad thing if your trying to hide acne. We've been out three times so far trying to get that really nice picture. I think the weather has had enough of giving us perfect days to take those pictures.
This here is our typical picture. Nothing but Goofs.
Also this last week I also sadly decided to put one of my two little Japanese Maple Tree’s out of its misery. This year only two of its branches bloomed. So I hacked them off, shook out the nesting spiders (although they would have added themselves nicely to the Halloween décor), and brought it inside. Then I plunked those branches into a vase so I could enjoy its leaves one last time.
R.I.P little tree, I loved you once but when you got all scraggly on me – Adios!
And I finished my temporary Blog banner with our Families Theme this year. Evo-man pointed out that I left out Toto and the Flying Monkey. Picky- Picky! I’ve never used Watercolor Pencils before and found them fun! I might experiment with different holiday banners once I come up for air but this will do for now.
My most exciting thing last week was to finally find a Halloween book I’ve been looking for since grade-school.
Trenadoll is going to be so jealous! I bought it used and it came well loved with torn pages, erased pencil scribbles – but, I still love this book. It is my all time Favorite Halloween Story. So I'm going to give you a book review of sorts for my Favorite Halloween Story of All Time.
Every year, during my grade-school learning, when they put out the Halloween books display on the check-out table of the school library I had to be sure to check it out. I love the illustrations...
the story – the whole thing.
It’s about a little witch who just can’t act like a decent horrible witch.
She can’t seem to do anything right and she even break’s her only broomstick. One wicked night she frees the Night Fairies who were trapped by the other witches.
In return the night fairies rescue her from the punishment the witches were going to inflict her with and they take her home with them where she discovers she is a Night Fairy that had been stolen by the witches when she was a baby. Then she get's a glamorous make-over and what little girl wouldn't think that was cool.
So that was last week. ~ This week - Well I have four costumes to finish, a small Costume Party to throw for Princess, and a home, that looks like a Texas Twister hit it, to clean. So I'd better get goin'.
I had completely forgotten that book! How lovely. Hoorah!
It looks like you're keeping as busy as even look busy in your family photos. (Speaking of which, what's going on in that last one? PE attempting a little PDA? Shocking!)
I think that family picture looks great! I'm also lovin' the new banner :)
I LOVE the new blog banner! You're so talented (and I'm jealous). ;-) I'm impressed with how busy you keep yourself. Two halloween parties? I can't even muster the energy to do one...
I don't remember that book but am thankful you shared it. I of course love knowing whats going on and enjoy the pictures. I don't know how you find time to do all you to but just keep doing it.
Love Ya Mom-ah
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