The Cowardly Lion started life as two velveteen tan curtains, and some yarn from the thrift store, and a super overpriced plastic ‘courage’ badge from a party supply place. The Lion’s Mane was my biggest time sucker and took me a total of 5 hours to complete because it involved a lot of yarn sewing. Total = $13.96

Scarecrow was an old ripped green sheet, and two corduroy pants from the Thrift Store I already had the straw at home so that doesn’t count. $4.98 Total

Tin Man well he was my biggest challenge. Some of the things I planned to use on him I didn’t and others I improvised. 5 packets of flexible cutting board, two rolls of duct tape, empty soda pop bottles, funnel, axe, and two can’s of silver spray paint (My biggest expense). Total damage $30.27

To be honest if I would have known about Tin man’s cost I probably would have bought it from the party supply store for $44.00. I think he looks more like a buff muscle robot than the tin man.

Poor Prince Erik was spared the dress up because I ran out of time and didn’t even get a go on his costume.
I think I got too consumed with the details and just didn't have my time straight. Some of the projects I really had fun with was my broom...

The broom of which started out it's life as a hiking stick made by my Daddy Grandpa Elk. I think that it is going to have to find a permanent home with the Halloween decorations.

I also enjoyed the Tin-man's heart.

Total spent on boys costumes $49.21 / Girls $35.39
So in total $84.60 for seven costumes. Not too bad.
I then spend probably $25 on goodies to hand out (toys not candy) but I feel like a smuck because only one person came to our home trick or treating. I think everyone went down-town for the store to store candy give-away, either that or a super dark street scared all the kiddies away.

We did take our kids downtown and they got a little basketful of goodies. We talked them into picking six of their favorite pieces and then we are going to donate the rest to the troops in Iraq.
So I did go over my $100 goal but by less than $10.
So Here they are my Men from Oz!

To go along with us girl Folk.

The whole Oz Sha-Bang of charaters.

And Next year? I'm starting the costumes at the beginning of summer.
Now that would make a great Christmas picture.
I agree w/ Dawn. And you totally rock! I just get too stressed out to do something like that for everyone.
I love that you get all into the details,and the making-it-yourself stuff. Brava!
Beautiful costumes Fawndear. You did it again!
(I live two doors down from Fawndear).I also bought about $25 in candy...I left it in my huge Pyrex bowl on the front porch. Interestingly enough, that one "person" either made out like a bandit or I've been "tricked". I got home from spending time with my daughter and grandkids only to find that not only the candy was all gone-but the bowl was too. I don't think I'm going to contribute to Halloween anymore in the trick-or-treating area. I had left the same bowl out last year and all the candy was gone then, except for one or two pieces. At least the bowl was still there! I'm pretty depressed today about it. Thanks for reading my vent.
Too cute. I think your craftier than me. The only thing I'm not able to do is sew. It's good to have that talent. You did great with your budget, everything looks great.
Those are awesome! Handmade costumes are so much better than store bought ones. Maybe I should learn to sew...
I'm so impressed!
Cute costumes! You guys look great:)
The costumes look great. By the way, so do the leaves in the background of some of your pictures.
You are awsome!! Umm that much work will not be happing at my house!!
In womens conference Dieter F Uchtdorf said to brings happiness. You have a right to be happy. Mom-ah
I'm way out of my league!
There's nothing better than home made costumes. These are amazing. I only buy premade when they cost less or limited time, (found my lion for $8 and couldn't pass it up.)
Plastic cutting board sheets.. genious!
Everyone looks perfect, love the little munchkin. And the broom, wow!
*Applause* You're the bomb, that's a lot of costumes to get together.
It is funny that we missed each party in reverse, lol! Thanks so much for sharing!!
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